US SEC Filings

Filings Description Filing Period Downloads
5 Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 13, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
5 Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 13, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
5 Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 13, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
5 Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 13, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
5 Annual Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 13, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 08, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 08, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 06, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership March 06, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
3 Initial Statement of Beneficial Ownership March 02, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
8-K Current report filing February 29, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
8-A12B Securities Registration (section 12(b)) February 29, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G Statement of Ownership February 14, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G Statement of Ownership February 14, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G Statement of Ownership February 14, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership February 10, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G Statement of Ownership February 04, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership January 10, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership January 10, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls
4 Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership January 10, 2000 html rtf convpdf xls