US SEC Filings

Filings Description Filing Period Downloads
CERTNYS Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing January 17, 1995
8-A12B Securities Registration (section 12(b)) January 12, 1995 html rtf convpdf xls
10-Q Quarterly Report December 14, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
10-Q Quarterly Report September 14, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
10-C Notification of change in Shares Outstanding August 23, 1994 html rtf convpdf
8-K Current report filing August 23, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
10-Q Quarterly Report June 14, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership June 03, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership June 03, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SE Form for submission of Paper Format Exhibits by Electronic Filers May 06, 1994
AR/S Paper Annual Report to Security Holders May 06, 1994
DEF 14A Proxy Statement (definitive) May 05, 1994
DEFA14A Additional Proxy Soliciting Materials (definitive) May 05, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
10-K Annual Report April 27, 1994
10-K/A Amended Annual Report April 27, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership March 14, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership March 14, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G/A Amended Statement of Ownership March 14, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G Statement of Ownership February 16, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls
SC 13G Statement of Ownership February 16, 1994 html rtf convpdf xls